Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jerusalem - what is your favorite flavor?

Jerusalem comes in many flavors. Each has his own unique colors, sounds, smells and tastes.
You can pick your own favorite one and follow it.
Listen carefully and it will unfold in front of you, devote yourself and it will drift you away.
The old city market is one of our weekend favorites. Sometimes we would make a plan, each will pick a destination to visit.
Eden will always choose the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre. She loves the beautiful mosaic depicting the life of Christ, the great marble poles and the heady sweet incense.
Tom would ask to visit the candy shops in the alley leading to the Dome of the rock,
But sometimes we choose to stroll the market's allies, letting it carry us through.
These are the times when magic happens, a light blue door pops up in a place you could swear it has never been before, leading you into an old traditional Tahini factory, or,
A weary, heavy wooden door slightly opens one level below your favorite herbs and spice shop, letting the enchanting scent of fresh bagel call you into a tiny bakery.
The following pictures are of such tour of colors and magic.

Have you ever been to the old city of Jerusalem?
Do you have a dream visiting it?
We would love to hear it! Please tell us

Jaffa gate, Jerusalem old city ancient wall

The first stop would always be on the bagel stand, dipping fresh bagel in grind savory 
And huge falafel balls, the kids favorite
The traditional mans head cover takes a colorful modern twist
Perfect color combination of aquamarines and coral pink beads
Amazing tones of honey and Saffron
Camel statues carved from Beit Lehem olive tree
Old copper finds
Narghile, water pipe and accessories shop

Colorful Hamsa, charms keeping against the evil eye

Blown glass beautiful tones, favorite porch and garden decoration of mine
Celebration of colors in praying necklaces shop
Making fresh, tasty Tahini
Little wooden pictures of christian saints

Herbal relief for, almost, any ache
Beautiful Armenian hand painted ceramics

Letting their feet to rest, the kids found a quiet moment, watching the soccer game trailer in a computer games shop
 Bagel bread wooden boxes
Tower of David, Jerusale, old city ancient walls

Have you ever been to the old city of Jerusalem?
Do you have a dream visiting it?
We would love to hear it! Please tell us

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